Введён запрет на въезд в Иран на авто и мото.

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Введён запрет на въезд в Иран на авто и мото.

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение GS77 » 15 авг 2018, 16:12

Только что получил такое вот письмо:

Dear Colleagues in the CPD Network,

The following information is also available on the FIA Network, CPD Network Group.

We like to inform you that the Touring & Automobile club of the Islamic Republic of Iran, TACI, in addition to previous updated information on high value vehicles, want to update the Network of the following two points:

1-According to the letter received from Iran’s Traffic Police dated 23 July 2018, the Temporary importation and/or traffic of the motorcycles with engine capacity of more than 250 CC, and the American brand motorcycles are forbidden.

Important Note: temporary importation of motorcycles with engine capacity of more than 250 CC is only permitted in order to use them inside the specified motorcycle tracks, and needs prior written confirmation from I.R. of Iran’s Ministry of Sport and Youth.

2- According to the letter from Iran’s Customs Administration dated 24 July 2018, the Temporary importation of sedans including brands Porsche, Hummer, Maserati, Bugatti, and VIP cars and luxury cars are forbidden.

We kindly advice all the issuing clubs not issue CPDs for such motorcycles and cars until further notice.
Mr Alamdar will be at your disposal for any further information and/or clarification alamdar.m@tac.org.ir
We thank Mr Alamdar and TACI for taking action so fast and inform the CPD Network.

With kind regards

Björn Nordlund

Tourism Services Coordinator
T +33 1 43 12 58 20
M +33 6 85 86 94 35

Из письма следует, что с 24/07/2018 запрещён въезд мотоциклов, свыше 250 кубов и автомобилей определённых марок представительского класса.

Кто, что может пояснить по этому случаю, ибо у нас запланирована поездка на мотоциклах - визы есть, карнеты оформлены.

Заранее благодарен за ответы.
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