Конвертация Adobe RGB -> SRGB

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Конвертация Adobe RGB -> SRGB

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение А.Левин » 28 сен 2014, 11:48

Дорогие друзья, подскажите, как быстро сконвертировать много фотографий из Adobe RGB в SRBG. Про фотошоповскую convet to profile знаю, но там по одной, а надо очень много. Нужна простая программа, которая сделала бы это в несколько кликов и качественно. И желательно freeware конечно.
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Re: Конвертация Adobe RGB -> SRGB

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение Nickos68 » 28 сен 2014, 13:15

дают триал на 30 дней.
Из описания:
You can use idimager to convert AdobeRGB to sRGB. Select your images and click the Batch button. From the available list of batch effects you need to select "Color Profile Conversion". Then specify input (aRGB) and output (sRGB) profile and start the batch.

There is also a hidden option to quickly convert to sRGB. Select your photos and press Ctrl+Alt+R

Для Фотошопа:
You can write an 'action' in PS to batch convert color space for you.
Here's how--
Window->Actions. This will open the Actions Palette.
Open a test image in AdobeRGB format
I. Record the action
From the Actions Palette menu (arrow, top-right), choose New Set.
Name it "Convert color profile"
From the Actions Palette menu again, choose New Action
Name it "Convert to sRGB" and click OK
Image->Mode->Convert to Profile->Adobe sRGB
File->Save as... (needed because you're changing the color space).
- Do not change the file name
- Specify file format, even if it's not changing.
- Specify a folder (it makes no difference where)
- Click Save.
- If you get a follow-on dialog for .jpg settings or whatever, specify them as needed and click OK.
Click the SQUARE control at bottom of Actions Palette. This terminates recording.
Close the test image
II. Prepare for batch processing
Create a new folder; name it \Destination
Have the images you want converted in a folder (makes no difference which one)
III. Batch process files
Engage Batch dialog: File->Automate->Batch
Play: Set = "Convert color profile". Action = "Convert to sRGB"
Source = Folder. Choose (browse to the folder with the files you want to convert.
Turn on the option "Suppress color profile warnings"
Destination = Folder. Choose (browse to \Destination)
Turn on option "Override Action "Save as" commands." If you don't do this, you'll get a dialog box for each image.
Click OK. They should start converting right before your eyes.

И еще проще с фотошопом:
Place all of your photos in a folder, or at least note where they are. Let's call it C:\users\gregs\myphotos
Go to File --> Scripts --> Image Processor
Select the folder containing your images.
Select a new destination folder for your converted images.
The magic function: Check the box "Convert profile to sRGB"
Select image quality, the maximum is 12.

Photoshop will convert the images one by one. If the picture was already in sRGB it will still save the file but not convert it, obviously.
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