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CruiseCritic писал(а):Getting There: Easiest way is to take the train. From Cadiz, the station, just off the Plaza de Sevilla, is a 15 minute walk (basically on the other side of the port). Allow 1.5 - 1.75 hours for the journey between Cadiz and Seville and, for cruise travelers whose time in port is on the usual 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. schedule, the 9 a.m. or 10:05 a.m. (subject to change; check timetable at http://www.renfe.es before you go) are the best bets. From Seville, there's a 1:58 and 3:25 p.m. return.
Seville, with its narrow, winding cobbled streets, is eminently walkable.
Helen5 писал(а) 17 апр 2013, 21:38:абсолютно бесполезная трата денег будет
iage_vika писал(а) 19 апр 2013, 14:34:где именно находится в Кадисе фонтан "Кран, висящий в воздухе"?
Kuskow писал(а) 04 май 2013, 09:33:https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=203463691875901226812.0004d549dcd76704a3276&t=k
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