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Under the European Union (EU) Regulation on air passenger rights (Regulation 261/2004), whenever your flight is cancelled the operating air carrier must give you:
alternative transport or re-routing to the final destination at the earliest convenience and subject to availability, or offer reimbursement of the full cost of the unused ticket segments (with a free flight back to the initial point of departure, when relevant).
full assistance (meals, drinks, communication facilities and a hotel room for the night, if necessary, including transfer to the hotel and back to the airport) even if the cancellation was caused by extraordinary circumstances.
Compensation is possible under certain circumstances in case of cancelled flights and varies from 250-600 euro depending on the kilometres of the flight. Please note that compensation may be reduced in some circumstances (see articles 5 and 7 of the Regulation). However, airlines can in some cases invoke extraordinary circumstances and be exempted, but they will be obliged to inform passengers about the reason for the cancellation. The airline's written statement regarding the incident could subsequently be used in court proceedings and it will be up to a judge to decide whether the air carrier put all possible measures in place to prevent this situation from happening.
According to the Regulation, extraordinary circumstances "may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier".
We invite you to consult Regulation 261/2004 under "legislation" on the website of the European Commission's Directorate-General (DG) for Mobility and Transport:
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/passengers/air/air_en.htmProvided that Member States are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the regulation in individual cases between passengers and airlines, the Commission considers that it should intervene only if there is a pattern of cases which shows that a Member State is failing to enforce regulation 261/2004.
If affected by a cancellation, you should first complain to the airline. If the airline still does not fulfill its obligations you might complain to the national enforcement body, NEB (of the Member State where the incident happened or in the Member State of arrival for flights from outside the EU). NEBs are the bodies designated by national authorities to ensure the implementation and enforcement of the Regulation on their territory and are competent to look into complaints related to incidents happening there. You should know, however, that their evaluation is not legally binding. Please find here below the contact details of the relevant NEB:
Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA)
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 26
Tel. : +49 531-2355-100
Fax : +49 531-2355-707
fluggastrechte@lba.de Переслал ответ Люфтам , они радостно ответили :" Вот , видите , здесь написано , что Ваш случай не подлежит компенсации ." Честно говоря , не вижу , где об этом прямо сказано К тому же , они написали , что их инфа не носит юридически обязательного характера , то есть , Люфтганза на их ответы можно положить
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