https://brazil.embassy.gov.au/files/bra ... ALdocx.pdfИ еще вот это есть:
https://australianfreediving.org/wp-con ... y-2015.pdfTravelling to Australia for sporting events
Visa options for overseas sporting teams, individuals, and support staff
To facilitate entry to Australia to take part in the planned sporting events, it is important to apply for the visa most appropriate for the proposed activities. Applying for a visa that is not appropriate could result in a refusal of the visa application, or the visa holder being denied entry to Australia at the border.
Amateur level
For the purposes of this advice, athletes, coaches, judges, officials and support people are considered to be participating in an amateur sporting event if they:
do not derive any payment for participating in the event, including prize money, and
do not have a profession closely related to the sport.
The Visitor visa (subclass 600, subclass 651 or subclass 601) (Tourist) is appropriate for the following individuals for a stay of 3 months or less:
athletes, coaches, judges, support staff and officials engaging in amateur sporting events without payment and where their profession is not related to the sport
https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/g ... am-onshoreProfessional or activities for remuneration The Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408)
Invited Participant stream - stay of 3 months or less:
athletes competing in a paid/professional sporting event, including competing for prize
coaches, support persons, judges, and officials whose profession is closely related to the
activity/sport - whether they are paid or unpaid for the Australian sporting events.
https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/g ... for-other-social-and-cultural-activity#About
Sporting Activities stream – stay for a part or full sporting season:
sportspersons must apply for this visa stream if they have a contract or agreement to play,
coach or judge for an Australian sporting club/organisation.
https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/g ... activitiesThe Short Stay Specialist visa (subclass 400)
sportspersons and their support staff competing in professional sporting events where the stay period is between 3 and 6 months
journalists or other media personnel travelling to Australia to cover a sporting event(s), where the production is not intended for Australian audiences
persons otherwise working at the event, for example, project managers or site supervisors. See:
https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/g ... y-work-400For further information on visas and entry to Australia, refer to the website of the Department of Home Affairs at:
https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/ or contact the Global Service Centre
at +61 2 6196 0196.