Roma One » 13 май 2022, 13:14
Вот сегодня получил от министерства экономики:
Unfortunately, it is not possible for natural persons who are Russian citizens to import drones into the territory of Montenegro in accordance with the Decision on the introduction of international restrictive measures established by Council of the European Union 2014/512 / CFSP of 31 July 2014, 2014/659 / CFSP of 8 September 2014, 2014/872 / CFSP of 4 December 2014, 2015/971 / CFSP of 22 June 2015 and 2015/1764 / CFSP of 1 October 2015 and 2015/2431 / ZVBP of 21 December 2015 and 2017/2214 / ZVBP of 30 November 2017 and 2019/2192 / ZVBP of 21 December 2019 and 2020/907 / ZVBP of 29 June 2020 and 2020 / 2143 / ZVBP of 17 December 2020 and 2021/1144 / ZVBP of 12 July 2021 and 2022/52 / ZVBP of 13 January 2022 and 2022/264 / ZVBP of 23 February 2022 and 2022/327 / ZVBP of 25 February 2022 and 2022/335 / ZVBP of 28 February 2022 and 2022/346 / ZVBP of 1 March 2022 and 2022/351 / ZVBP of 1 March 2022. years given the actions of Russia which destabilize is the situation in Ukraine ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 3/2016, 8/2016, 41/2016, 11/2022 and 40/2022), and in accordance with Article 7g of this Decision.
I am very sorry about that, but they could also tell you this from the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro.