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Alexic27 писал(а) 28 июн 2021, 03:21: Нельзя ли, к примеру, прилететь в Лондон 9 июля и улететь 12 июля?
There are no quarantine exemptions for EURO 2020 ticket holders arriving in England, with a standard 10 days quarantine with the option of a test to release after five days. This means it is now too late for ticket holders to travel to England for the match.
If you do travel to England, the UK Government has stated that if it is suspected that an individual intends to attend the game without first quarantining, they may be denied entry on arrival at the border. There is a fine of up to £10,000 for failing to quarantine in England on arrival.
Евгений_Пан писал(а) 30 июн 2021, 07:18:Заберу два билета на 7 июня 1/2ф, если у кого не получается поехать.
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