savl1 » 25 апр 2020, 11:34
Для статистики: заявку на кредитный ваучер подавал 4.04, ваучер (фактически это promotional code) пришёл на почту 25.04, т.е. ровно через 3 недели. Оплата зафиксирована в евро.
Может быть интересно (ничего нового, просто систематизация):
- Valid for bookings and flights that will take place within the next 18 months, from the date that this email was sent, only through, and the AEGEAN app.
- in order for the promotional code to be valid, the booking must take place in the same currency in which the promotional code has been issued.
- The promotional code can only be used for the same passenger that the Credit Voucher was issued for, and his/her full name in the new booking must match exactly the name indicated in this email.
- If the new booking is of lower value than the promotional code , then the difference will remain as a credit balance and the promotional code can be used in another booking . If the new booking is of higher value than the promotional code, then you will be required to pay the difference at the time of booking.
- After the 18 months of the date of its issuance, and provided that the Credit Voucher has not been used in full or at all, passenger is eligible to request refund of the (remaining) unused amount paid for his initial booking.
В целом организация процесса мне понравилась, прежде всего, чёткостью и конкретикой. Во всяком случае это лучше мифических и меняющихся обещаний АФ, когда процесс (причём с непонятными перспективами) затягивается на месяцы.