23 июля получили письмо
Thank you for booking with us.
We not received any payment form you ..We check with our bank and your credit card is declined .
Could you try again ? via below link ..
After we recieved your payment , we will sent confrimation to you in shortly.
In case there is any enquiry, please feel free to let me know.
Захожу на свою личную страницу сайта банка. Необходимая сумма на счёте зарезервирована. Сообщаю об этом конторе.
24 июля получаю письмо
We check with the bank about holding total amount ..
Bank have said they will check , but we can't charge to your credit card .
Could you make new booking and payment agian ?
This booking we will cancelled and check if they any hold 3360 THb form you .We will not hold that.
Also we can't charge to your credit card.The problem must occur at bank payment system
Делаю повторный платёж. Сумма в банке опять числится зарезервированной (уже вторая, первая так и висит)
25 июля получаю письмо
Good morning from http://www.hotels2thailand.com
Thank you for reservation with us
According to your booking No...... at Chaweng Villa Beach Resort Koh Samui we sent you e-mail asked you to confirm the payment since July 22 but you just confirm the payment today ,I am really sorry to informed you that now the hotel already fully booked.
So I can't confirm the booking and have to cancelled with give you full refunded for money you paid.
Could you please visite our website again and consider other hotel instead.
Any require please feel free to let me know.
На мои вопросы почему на их сайте указанный отель доступен в эти даты ответ был такой
We are not joking,really sorry .
I sent e-mail asked you to make payment since 22 July,2006 at 10.56 AM and your payment confirm to me this morning.
You made booking on July 21,2006 at 7.30 PM and I got your booking in morning time when I started work and call to the hotel for check room status and that day the hotel have available room as you required then I sent you e-mail to inform you and asked you to make payment.
Today is July 25,2006 that you completed the payment,,we don't have authority to keep the room that long.
The hotel can sale the room for other agent also.
Anyway could you please consider other hotel instead.
Amy let me know for any decision.
В итоге: обе суммы на счёте зависли, едем без брони, муж, мягко скажем, немного беспокоится (идея самостоятельной поездки моя), я не о беспокоюсь, но во мне кипит жажда крови.
У кого-нибудь была такая ситуация? Что делать: наплевать или совершить какие-нибудь манипуляции?