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Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение Olya.K » 22 июн 2014, 20:20

Добрый день!

опытные путешественники, помогите, пожалуйста! Мечтаю поехать в Кению-Танзанию-Занзибар в свадебное путешествие, но не знаю с чего начать.

У нас будет 2 недели в октябре. Хотим дней 8 на сафари, чтоб увидеть все прекрасные-красивые места и дней 5-6 на море.

1) Куда лучше лететь? Какие авиалинии смотреть?
2) Какие места обязательно надо посмотреть?
3) В какие компании обращаться за организацией сафари?
4) Где красивое море в Занзибаре? Что там надо обязательно посмотреть?

Извините, если это часто обсуждалось - глаза разбежались(( можно кинуть в меня ссылку )

спасибо огромное за помощь!
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение ixareal » 23 июн 2014, 10:02

1) Куда лучше лететь? Какие авиалинии смотреть?
Я бы предложил Вам лететь до Кении, там Масаи-Мара - Серенгети. Потом в килиманджаро, оттуда http://www.fastjet.com/us/ до дар-эс-салама, дальше паром на Занзибар

3) В какие компании обращаться за организацией сафари?

Смотрите форум... Все-таки эта тема очень сильно разжевана...

4) Где красивое море в Занзибаре? Что там надо обязательно посмотреть?

Красивое море там везде) Смотреть там особо нечего, можно на больших черепах съездить посмотреть, можно на дельфинов посмотреть и заехать посмотреть на красноспинных обезьян. В городе имхо делать особо нечего.
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Пол: Мужской

Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #3

Сообщение Moses Miriti » 23 июн 2014, 15:29

Добре день!
добре пожаловать в Кений!По Кений у нас разный маршруты по Кений поэтому я буду рекомендовать куда я думаю лучше посетить на сафари свадебное.

1) Куда лучше лететь? Какие авиалинии смотреть?
-Turkish airways www.turkisharlines.com
-KLM www.KLM.com
-Kenya Airways www.kenya-airways.com
-Egypt Air www.egyptair.com

2)Какие места обязательно надо посмотреть?

After breakfast, depart to samburu national reserve by driving past the slopes of Mount Kenya. This drive takes you through the pineapple, banana, Tea, coffee plantations, crossing the equator line severally. On a clear day especially during the morning hours, the peaks of Mount Kenya can be spotted from the comfort of your car seat.
Arrive at a lodge/safari camp in samburu for Lunch.
Have an evening game drive and after the evening game drive, return to the camp/lodge for dinner and overnight.
Samburu national reserve
This national reserve is located about 325 kilometres from Nairobi. The reserve hosts some very rare species of animals which cannot be seen anywhere else in Kenya. The reserve is located on the Somali-Maasai arid zone whose characteristic climate is hot and dry during the day and cool at night.
There is a maximum annual mean temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 22 degrees Celsius. The samburu and buffalo springs are traversed by the uaso nyiro river and several springs that attract thousands of wildlife especially during the dry season. The rare animals that can spotted in this reserves include the gravy’s zebra, the reticulated giraffe, beisa oryx, guenther’s dik dik and the gerenuk.
Other animals present include the lesser kudus, elephants, grant gazelles, lions, cheetahs, leopards and more than 350 bird species.
Leopards of samburu national reserve
This is the easiest park where a visitor can spot a leopard. This large spotted cat with short powerful limbs lives in every type of habitat except in the interior of large deserts.
The leopard has a gestation period of 100 days where 1-4 cubs are born.
This member of the big five eats whatever form of animal protein is available, from termites to gazelles. It hides its meat on the trees to prevent lions and hyenas from taking its food. This animal leads very solitary life.
Leopards weigh between 30-60 kilograms while males weigh between 35-80 kilograms.
Leopards may live up to 20 years depending on the prevailing conditions in the immediate surrounding.
Large chunks of meat hung on a tree serve as an indication of the presence of a leopard in the vicinity.

Have the early morning game drive at 6:30 am, and then return to the lodge/camp for breakfast.
Mid morning for free time, have lunch then depart for the afternoon game drive.
Return to the camp/lodge late evening for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast, depart to Laikipia in the slopes of Mount Kenya, where Ol pejeta conservancy is located.
Arrive in time for lunch, check in then depart for the afternoon game drive within the ol-pejeta conservancy.
This conservancy is perhaps the only place in Kenya from where you can see the world famous chimpanzee in the wild. There is also plenty of rhinos, zebras, giraffes and other game animals in this magnificent park.
The highlight of your visit to Ol-Pejeta conservancy will be;
• A visit to the chimpanzee sanctuary.
• Spotting of the Rhinos.
• Spotting of the long horned zebus and the karamajong cattle.
• Taking photos of giraffes against the ranges of mount Kenya as the backdrop.
• A visit to the various sign boards indicating the position of the equator line.
After the game drive, return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.\

****DAY 4; Ol Pejeta Lake Nakuru National Park
After breakfast, depart for the world famous Nakuru National park. On the way, have a stop over at the Thomson’s falls for photos.Arrive at the safari camp in time for lunch. After checking in and having lunch, depart for an afternoon game drive in search of the Black and white Rhinos, Rothschild’s giraffes, flamingos, Pelicans, buffaloes, Antelopes and other game animals.
After the game drive, return to the safari camp for dinner and overnight.

Info about Lake Nakuru National Park;
Lake Nakuru national park (188 kilometres squared)
This lake lies immediately south of Nakuru town. This area was declared a national park in 1967. This lake is world famous for the huge numbers of flamingos in its waters as declared once by a birder going by the name Roger Tory Peterson as the most spectacular bird spectacle in the world
The lake is shallow and alkaline, factors that provide the perfect conditions for the growth of the blue green algae on which flamingos feed on.
This lake is home to more than 2 million flamingos though this number fluctuates to not less than 300,000 flamingos at one given time.
The flamingo numbers fluctuate from time to time because flamingos migrate to various lakes within the rift valley in search of food and perfect grounds for reproduction.
There is lots of fish including tilapia graham in the lake. The waters of Lake Nakuru also attract a number of cormorants, spoonbills and pelicans.
Lake Nakuru is also a rhino sanctuary that is inhabited by more than 100 black and white rhinos, thousands of buffalos, Cheetahs, Leopards, Lions, Olive baboons among others. Due to its relative small size and ecological considerations, there are no Elephants in Lake Nakuru national park.
It is possible to drive around Lake Nakuru national park on a game drive and alight at specific bird watching spots on the lake’s shore for spectacular bird watching sessions.
Remember to visit the baboon cliff which gives a visitor to have a panoramic view of the entire park and the lake.
There are two main entrances to Lake Nakuru: the Lanet gate and the main gate located on the road that leads from Nakuru town.
While to clear with the park authorise remember to close up any access to the vehicle to prevent the vervet monkeys that abound at the gate from taking away any property from the vehicle
Remember that the highlight of your safari on Lake Nakuru national park are the flamingos and the rhinos.
Rothschild’s giraffes also abound at the lake, a species which is quite rare.

The greater and lesser flamingos at Lake Nakuru national park
There are two species of flamingos in this lake. These are the greater flamingo and the lesser flamingo
Lesser flamingos are the most numerous sometimes running into millions while the greater flamingos run into thousands.
The greater flamingo is much larger in body size than the lesser flamingo with a big bent pink bill which has a black tip.
An adult of a greater flamingo appears largely pale pink or white at a distance. Lesser flamingo is smaller than greater flamingo with a blackish-red bill appearing all dark at a distance.
Lesser flamingos have red legs with the flight feathers black well hidden at rest. Lesser flamingos feed on brine, shrimps, insects and algae.
Flamingos occur in large flocks and fly with necks fully extended and their long legs trailing.
Flamingos build mud nests in inaccessible points. Flamingos live up to fifty years of age.
The white and black rhinos at Lake Nakuru
There are more than 100 white and black rhinos in this magnificent park. Due to its small and relatively plain land, this is the easiest park where a visitor can spot a rhino in the wild.

Black rhino
This dark grey animal has a hooked upper lip with both sexes having horns. Males weigh between 900-1300 kilograms while females weigh between 100-1100 kilograms.
The difference between the black rhino and white rhino is not the skin as misconceived by many, but the main difference is the shape of the upper lip.
The black rhino has a triangular upper lip while the white rhino has a wide square mouth.
The black rhino is mainly a browser that feeds on various shrubs and bushes, while the white rhino is mainly a grazer.
The black rhino runs with its tail erect at speeds of up to 50 kilometres per hour.
Black rhinos have a gestation period of up to 15 months after which one calf is born. It is possible to tell apart a mother rhino running with calf because the black rhino runs with its calf following behind. This is because the black rhino lives in a territory with many bushes and shrubs and so the mother has to run while at the front to clear the obstacles for the calf.
White rhinos run with their calves at the front because they live in grassy plains with less obstacles if any that would obstruct the calf.

White rhino
It has a long head, wide square mouth and a hump. The skin colour is grey with both sexes having horns. Males weigh up to 2000 kilograms while females weigh up to 1800 kilograms.
White rhinos live in savannas with water holes and mud wallows.
The white rhino is nearly a pure grazer that has a gestation period of up to 16 months where a calf is born. Rhinos can be spotted at ease around Lake Nakuru national park.

After breakfast, depart for the world famous National park.
Arrive in time for lunch.
Early evening, depart for the afternoon game drive and then return to the lodge/camp for dinner and overnight.
Some more information about the Masai Mara includes;
Maasai Mara National Reserve
Maasai Mara most visited park in Kenya due to its abundant wildlife especially the big five and great wildebeest migration that has its peak in July through august.
The Maasai Mara national reserve lies 275 kilometres west of Nairobi at an altitude of 1700 metres above sea level. Masai Mara was confirmed as a national reserve in 1974. Maasai Mara has a rich habitat for flora and fauna that includes many carnivores and herbivores.
Apart from the unusual huge prides of lions, the most spectacular of the Masai Mara is great annual wildebeest migration.
The Great Wildebeest Migration
From mid June to early October, herds of wildebeest numbering close to two million travel from Serengeti national park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara reserve. The animals migrate into the Mara in search of fresh pastures.
The highlight of the great migration is when the wildebeest cross the crocodile infested Mara River into Kenya.
Hundreds of wildebeest break there legs in a stampede to jump into the Mara River and cross the river a factor that leads the death of hundreds of wildebeest. Crocodiles also kill as many wildebeest as they wish for food.
During the peak of the migration, one can spot hundreds of carcasses of wildebeest that have died from drowning. Thousands of vultures can be viewed on the banks of the Mara River scavenging on the floating carcasses. Between November and January, the wildebeest migrate back into the Serengeti.
Why not construct a bridge across Mara Mara where the wildebeest can pass while on migration to avert the deaths?
As the saying goes, the law of the jungle is survival for the fittest. Also, nature has a way of regulating the population of a species and the deaths that occur during the migration is one of nature’s ways of regulating the population of the wildebeests. Also the migrating wildebeest provide sumptuous meals for the hundreds of crocodiles that live in this great river. So building a bridge would an anti conservation move.
The Mara River hosts also resident populations of hippopotamuses that can be spotted with ease at specific observation points.
The Mara national reserve hosts many herbivores like antelopes, buffalos, giraffes and black rhinos.
Predators are also plentiful notably cheetahs, leopards and large prides of lions. Maasai Mara national reserve can be accessed by road or by air from Nairobi and Mombasa and other towns of Kenya.
Lions and Cheetahs of Maasai Mara
The Maasai Mara is probably the best place in the wild to view the lions and cheetahs
The plain land and short grass make it easy for visitors to this park to spot these great cats.
The Mara is a must go for any visitor who really wants to enjoy the maximum of what the Kenyan wild has to offer.
The Lions of Mara
This is the most abundant carnivore within the mare ecosystem. There more than 1000 lions in the Mara reserve living in prides, a number that surges close to 3000 lions during the annual wildebeest migration into this park. This is because the lions follow the migrating grazers from the Serengeti into the Mara.
The lion is the most social cat, which lives in a pride consisting up to 30 lions. As the most social cat, the pride consists of a male lion, its young ones and one or more female lions.
A pride lives in its own territory that it protects from other lions in the area.
Lionesses live in the pride for life. 1-6 cubs are born after a gestation of 3 and/2 months. After birth, lion male cubs develop mane beginning in the third year. Adult lions weigh between 122-240 kilograms.
Lions live in grasslands and savannas close to their source of food. Lions eat everything from buffalos to hares, but they do tend to hunt the prey they grew up eating and customs differ among prides. For example if a lion grew up feeding on Thomson gazelle, it tends to hunt Thomson gazelles for food.
Lions hunt in a group everyday during the day or at night. Usually it’s the female lions that hunt and while on the hunt, every female on the hunting expeditions know its role to ensure success.
Lions live for a maximum of between 16 to 20 years old. On cool days, lions in the Mara are easily spotted sleeping on the grass may be hunting or watching for intruders into the pride’s territory. On hot days or afternoons, lions like sleeping under bushes or thickets which act as a shade from the hot sun.
The Cheetahs of Mara
This is the easiest park where one can spot this great cat. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They run up to speeds of 120 kilometres per hour sustained for a maximum of 300 metres.
Cheetahs are born after a gestation period of between 90-95 days when 1-6 cubs are born. Cheetahs weigh between 30-70 kilograms. Cheetahs love to feed on impalas and other smaller mammals.
Cheetahs prefer to live in open grassland where they can view their pray without much difficulty and hunt them being obstructed by bush or thicket. Cheetahs hunt by day having a 40% success rate, a factor that shows that indicates that the cheetah is a skilful hunter.
Maasai Mara can be visited any time of the year but the most dramatic time of the year is between July and November during the great wildebeest migration.

Depart for the early morning game drive at 630 am, and then depart to the lodge/Camp for breakfast.
Have lunch, and then depart for the afternoon game drive in search of the big five.
Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Depart from the lodge/camp after breakfast for a half day game drive, then return to the lodge/Camp for lunch.
After lunch, depart for an afternoon game drive before returning to the lodge/camp for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast, depart for Nairobi with a stop over at Lake naivasha Park. Depart for a boat ride in and around Lake Naivasha en route to the crescent island where by you will have an opportunity to take a walk amidst various herbivores like giraffes, wildebeests, Impalas, zebras, and so forth. The boat ride will also give you an opportunity to take photos of hippos and of different bird species that live in the fresh water lake.
After the lake naivasha, depart for Nairobi arriving early evening.
Transfer to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

2)второе расписание

After breakfast, depart to the slopes of Mount Kenya. This drive takes you through the pineapple, banana, Tea, coffee plantations, crossing the equator line severally. On a clear day especially during the morning hours, the peaks of Mount Kenya can be spotted from the comfort of your car seat.
Arrive in time for lunch, check in then depart for the afternoon game drive within the ol-pejeta conservancy.
This conservancy is perhaps the only place in Kenya wfrom where you can see the world famous chimpanzee in the wild. There is also plenty of rhinos, zebras, giraffes and other game animals in this magnificent park.
The highlight of your visit to ol-pejeta conservancy will be;
• A visit to the chimpanzee sanctuary.
• Spotting of the Rhinos.
• Spotting of the long horned zebus and the karamanjong cattle.
• Taking photos of giraffes against the ranges of mount Kenya as the backdrop.
• A visit to the various sign boards indicating the position of the equator line.
After the game drive, return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

After breakfast depart for the world famous Lake Nakuru National Park. This drive will give you an opportunity to see the various tea and coffee plantations and the Great Rift Valley escarpment. After a 3 and half hour drive or so, arrive in time for lunch.
After checking in and having lunch, depart for an afternoon game drive in search of the Black and white Rhinos, Rothschild’s giraffes, flamingos, Pelicans, buffaloes, Antelopes and other game animals.
After the game drive, return to the safari camp for dinner and overnight.
Info about Lake Nakuru National Park;
Lake Nakuru national park (188 kilometres squared)
This lake lies immediately south of Nakuru town. This area was declared a national park in 1967. This lake is world famous for the huge numbers of flamingos in its waters as declared once by a birder going by the name Roger Tory Peterson as the most spectacular bird spectacle in the world
The lake is shallow and alkaline, factors that provide the perfect conditions for the growth of the blue green algae on which flamingos feed on.
This lake is home to more than 2 million flamingos though this number fluctuates to not less than 300,000 flamingos at one given time.
The flamingo numbers fluctuate from time to time because flamingos migrate to various lakes within the rift valley in search of food and perfect grounds for reproduction.
There is lots of fish including tilapia graham in the lake. The waters of Lake Nakuru also attract a number of cormorants, spoonbills and pelicans.
Lake Nakuru is also a rhino sanctuary that is inhabited by more than 100 black and white rhinos, thousands of buffalos, Cheetahs, Leopards, Lions, Olive baboons among others. Due to its relative small size and ecological considerations, there are no Elephants in Lake Nakuru national park.
It is possible to drive around Lake Nakuru national park on a game drive and alight at specific bird watching spots on the lake’s shore for spectacular bird watching sessions.
Remember to visit the baboon cliff which gives a visitor to have a panoramic view of the entire park and the lake.
There are two main entrances to Lake Nakuru: the Lanet gate and the main gate located on the road that leads from Nakuru town.
While to clear with the park authorise remember to close up any access to the vehicle to prevent the vervet monkeys that abound at the gate from taking away any property from the vehicle
Remember that the highlight of your safari on Lake Nakuru national park are the flamingos and the rhinos.
Rothschild’s giraffes also abound at the lake, a species which is quite rare.

The greater and lesser flamingos at Lake Nakuru national park
There are two species of flamingos in this lake. These are the greater flamingo and the lesser flamingo
Lesser flamingos are the most numerous sometimes running into millions while the greater flamingos run into thousands.
The greater flamingo is much larger in body size than the lesser flamingo with a big bent pink bill which has a black tip.
An adult of a greater flamingo appears largely pale pink or white at a distance. Lesser flamingo is smaller than greater flamingo with a blackish-red bill appearing all dark at a distance.
Lesser flamingos have red legs with the flight feathers black well hidden at rest. Lesser flamingos feed on brine, shrimps, insects and algae.
Flamingos occur in large flocks and fly with necks fully extended and their long legs trailing.
Flamingos build mud nests in inaccessible points. Flamingos live up to fifty years of age.

The white and black rhinos at Lake Nakuru
There are more than 100 white and black rhinos in this magnificent park. Due to its small and relatively plain land, this is the easiest park where a visitor can spot a rhino in the wild.

Black rhino
This dark grey animal has a hooked upper lip with both sexes having horns. Males weigh between 900-1300 kilograms while females weigh between 100-1100 kilograms.
The difference between the black rhino and white rhino is not the skin as misconceived by many, but the main difference is the shape of the upper lip.
The black rhino has a triangular upper lip while the white rhino has a wide square mouth.
The black rhino is mainly a browser that feeds on various shrubs and bushes, while the white rhino is mainly a grazer.
The black rhino runs with its tail erect at speeds of up to 50 kilometres per hour.
Black rhinos have a gestation period of up to 15 months after which one calf is born. It is possible to tell apart a mother rhino running with calf because the black rhino runs with its calf following behind. This is because the black rhino lives in a territory with many bushes and shrubs and so the mother has to run while at the front to clear the obstacles for the calf.
White rhinos run with their calves at the front because they live in grassy plains with less obstacles if any that would obstruct the calf.

White rhino
It has a long head, wide square mouth and a hump. The skin colour is grey with both sexes having horns. Males weigh up to 2000 kilograms while females weigh up to 1800 kilograms.
White rhinos live in savannas with water holes and mud wallows.
The white rhino is nearly a pure grazer that has a gestation period of up to 16 months where a calf is born. Rhinos can be spotted at ease around Lake Nakuru national park.

After breakfast, depart for Masai Mara. After having some hot lunch in Narok, arrive in the safari camp early afternoon, check in then depart for the afternoon game drive, in search of game animals which includes Zebras, Gazelles, Antelopes, Giraffes, Buffaloes, Elephants, Lions, Leopards, Cheetahs and so forth. In a good day, a black Rhino may be spotted dashing from the bush.
After the Evening game drive, drive back to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Some more information about the Masai Mara includes;
Maasai Mara National Reserve
Maasai Mara most visited park in Kenya due to its abundant wildlife especially the big five and great wildebeest migration that has its peak in July through august.
The Maasai Mara national reserve lies 275 kilometres west of Nairobi at an altitude of 1700 metres above sea level. Masai Mara was confirmed as a national reserve in 1974. Maasai Mara has a rich habitat for flora and fauna that includes many carnivores and herbivores.
Apart from the unusual huge prides of lions, the most spectacular of the Masai Mara is great annual wildebeest migration.
The Great Wildebeest Migration
From mid June to early October, herds of wildebeest numbering close to two million travel from Serengeti national park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara reserve. The animals migrate into the Mara in search of fresh pastures.
The highlight of the great migration is when the wildebeest cross the crocodile infested Mara River into Kenya.
Hundreds of wildebeest break there legs in a stampede to jump into the Mara River and cross the river a factor that leads the death of hundreds of wildebeest. Crocodiles also kill as many wildebeest as they wish for food.
During the peak of the migration, one can spot hundreds of carcasses of wildebeest that have died from drowning. Thousands of vultures can be viewed on the banks of the Mara River scavenging on the floating carcasses. Between November and January, the wildebeest migrate back into the Serengeti.
Why not construct a bridge across Mara Mara where the wildebeest can pass while on migration to avert the deaths?
As the saying goes, the law of the jungle is survival for the fittest. Also, nature has a way of regulating the population of a species and the deaths that occur during the migration is one of nature’s ways of regulating the population of the wildebeests. Also the migrating wildebeest provide sumptuous meals for the hundreds of crocodiles that live in this great river. So building a bridge would an anti conservation move.
The Mara River hosts also resident populations of hippopotamuses that can be spotted with ease at specific observation points.
The Mara national reserve hosts many herbivores like antelopes, buffalos, giraffes and black rhinos.
Predators are also plentiful notably cheetahs, leopards and large prides of lions. Maasai Mara national reserve can be accessed by road, air from Nairobi and Mombasa and other towns of Kenya.
Lions and Cheetahs of Maasai Mara
The Maasai Mara is probably the best place in the wild to view the lions and cheetahs
The plain land and short grass make it easy for visitors to this park to spot these great cats.
The Mara is a must go for any visitor who really wants to enjoy the maximum of what the Kenyan wild has to offer.
The Lions of Mara
This is the most abundant carnivore within the mare ecosystem. There more than 1000 lions in the Mara reserve living in prides, a number that surges close to 3000 lions during the annual wildebeest migration into this park. This is because the lions follow the migrating grazers from the Serengeti into the Mara.
The lion is the most social cat, which lives in a pride consisting up to 30 lions. As the most social cat, the pride consists of a male lion, its young ones and one or more female lions.
A pride lives in its own territory that it protects from other lions in the area.
Lionesses live in the pride for life. 1-6 cubs are born after a gestation of 3 and/2 months. After birth, lion male cubs develop mane beginning in the third year. Adult lions weigh between 122-240 kilograms.
Lions live in grasslands and savannahs close to their source of food. Lions eat everything from buffalos to hares, but they do tend to hunt the prey they grew up eating and customs differ among prides. For example if a lion grew up feeding on Thomson gazelle, it tends to hunt Thomson gazelles for food.
Lions hunt in a group everyday during the day or at night. Usually it’s the female lions that hunt and while on the hunt, every female on the hunting expeditions know its role to ensure success.
Lions live for a maximum of between 16 to 20 years old. On cool days, lions in the Mara are easily spotted sleeping on the grass may be hunting or watching for intruders into the pride’s territory. On hot days or afternoons, lions like sleeping under bushes or thickets which act as a shade from the hot sun.

The Cheetahs of Mara
This is the easiest park where one can spot this great cat. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They run up to speeds of 120 kilometres per hour sustained for a maximum of 300 metres.
Cheetahs are born after a gestation period of between 90-95 days when 1-6 cubs are born. Cheetahs weigh between 30-70 kilograms. Cheetahs love to feed on impalas and other smaller mammals.
Cheetahs prefer to live in open grassland where they can view their pray without much difficulty and hunt them being obstructed by bush or thicket. Cheetahs hunt by day having a 40% success rate, a factor that shows that indicates that the cheetah is a skilful hunter.
Maasai Mara can be visited any time of the year but the most dramatic time of the year is between July and November during the great wildebeest migration.

After breakfast, leave for a full day game drive with packed lunchboxes in search of the Big five animals and other animals.
Return to the safari camp early evening for dinner and overnight.

*****Day 5; Masai Mara Nairobi.
After having the early morning game drive and breakfast, start your journey back to Nairobi having your hot lunch en route in Narok.
Arrive in Nairobi early evening.



After breakfast, depart for the world famous Amboseli national park. Arrive in time for lunch. After lunch, embark on the afternoon game drive.
After the afternoon game drive, drive back to the safari camp/Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Amboseli National Park (392 kilometres squared)
This park is located 250 kilometres from Nairobi, at the foot of the highest mountain in Africa; mount Kilimanjaro. Amboseli national park is known world over for its huge herds of elephants that offer magnificent photographs with Mount Kilimanjaro as the backdrop.
This is the best park to spot large herds of elephants wallowing in mud or swimming in swamps. The snow capped peaks of mount Kilimanjaro are well visible on good weather especially early morning and in the evening from this park.
Amboseli has two swamps that receive their water from the melting snow on mount Kilimanjaro. This water then travels underground from Kilimanjaro to the swamps in amboseli. The two swamps sustain wildlife and vegetation in amboseli.
Mount Kilimanjaro is climbed from Tanzania but it is better observed from the Kenyan side. There is a look out point on the observation hill that offers a panoramic view of the park and beyond.
The Elephants of Amboseli National Park;
This member of the big five is the largest land mammal. Males weigh between 4000 and 5000 kilograms. Females weigh up to 3000 kilograms.
Mating periods for elephants reach their peaks during the rainy season, where a single calf is born after a gestation of 22 months, the longest in mammals.
Female elephants live in social groups of between 9-11 females and their calves a group that is led by the oldest cow. Elephants loose their teeth six times in its life time.
Males leave the group when they are about twelve years old and spend the rest of their lives alternately associating with other males and wandering alone. Elephants can eat vegetation weighing up to 300 kilograms in 24 hours.
Elephants are known to live up to 60 years of age
Other animal that may be viewed at the amboseli national park includes giraffes, lions, gazelles, snakes, leopards, cheetahs and many more.

Mount Kilimanjaro.
This mountain is the highest mountain in Africa and the second highest mountain in the world. Mountaineers argue it out that Kilimanjaro is the highest free standing mountain in the world since Mount Everest is a series of ranges.
In a clear day, this magnificent mount can clearly be seen with its snow capped top from the Amboseli National park and its surroundings.
Some facts about Kilimanjaro;
Location; located on the boarder between Kenya and Tanzania.
Height; 5,895 metres from the sea level.

**DAY 2; Amboseli Lake Naivaisha Park.
After breakfast, have an en route game drive on your way to Lake Naivaisha park.
Arrive in Naivasha early evening, check into the safari camp/Lodge.
En route to lake naivasha Park,you will see the following attractions;
The rift valley runs from Jordan in the Middle East to Mozambique in southern Africa, for a distance of 9,600 kilometres.
The rift valley runs through Kenya from Ethiopia in the north through Lake Turkana in Kenya, towards the south western part of Kenya into Tanzania.

This is a Volcanic Mountain with a crater.
Arrive in Naivasha in time for lunch.
After checking in a hotel/camp and after having lunch, depart for a boat ride in and around lake Naivasha en route to the crescent island where by you will have an opportunity to take a walk amidst various herbivores like giraffes, wildebeests, Impalas, zebras, and so forth. The boat ride will also give you an opportunity to take photos of hippos and of different bird species.
After the afternoon excursion in and around Lake Naivasha and the crescent Island, go back to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Some more information on lake naivaisha includes;
LAKE NAIVASHA (210 kilometres squared)

Situated less than 80 kilometres from Nairobi,this fresh water lake is situated about an hours drive from Nairobi. This fresh water lake harbours an amazing variety of both aquatic and terrestrial bird life. These include; eagles, cormorants, pelicans, herons, ibis, marabou, geese, vultures and many more.
Over 400 bird species have been spotted here in a single visit. The lake is also home to over 1000 hippopotamuses.
Other wildlife species dot the shores of the lake. These include: Buffalo, Zebras, Giraffes, Gazelles, Wildebeests, Monkeys and Baboons amongst others.
This is the only place with wildlife where visitors can alight from their vehicles and have an excursion on foot, while taking photographs with the animals at close range. Other activities that one can undertake while on tour in Lake Naivasha include boat rides and fishing.
The boat rides give the visitors the opportunity to explore the lake and have a chance to view the numerous bird species on the lake. The boat rides in a speed boat last for about one hour.

After breakfast, have the following excursions:
• Have a one hour boat ride within Lake Naivasha an adventure which will give you the opportunity to see the hippos that reside here as well as the numerous bird species that abound in this fresh water lake.
• Alight at the Crescent Island which is located almost at the centre of the lake so that you can have to an excursion on foot which will enable you to take photos of giraffes, zebras, antelopes and wildebeests amongst other herbivores at close range.
Have some lunch during the early afternoon, then have some free time in the afternoon.
During this free time, you can choose to have some swimming time in one of the swimming pools within the precincts or have some water sporting activities within the lake Naivaisha.
Have dinner and overnight at the safari camp or lodge.


After breakfast, depart for Masai Mara. after having some hot lunch in Narok, arrive in the safari camp early afternoon, check in then depart for the afternoon game drive, in search of game animals which includes Zebras, Gazelles, Antelopes, Giraffes, Buffaloes, Elephants, Lions, Leopards, Cheetahs and so forth. In a good day, a black Rhino may be spotted dashing from the bush.
After the Evening game drive, drive back to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Some more information about the Masai Mara includes;
Maasai Mara National Reserve
Maasai Mara most visited park in Kenya due to its abundant wildlife especially the big five and great wildebeest migration that has its peak in July through august.
The Maasai Mara national reserve lies 275 kilometres west of Nairobi at an altitude of 1700 metres above sea level. Masai Mara was confirmed as a national reserve in 1974. Maasai Mara has a rich habitat for flora and fauna that includes many carnivores and herbivores.
Apart from the unusual huge prides of lions, the most spectacular of the Masai Mara is great annual wildebeest migration.
The Great Wildebeest Migration
From mid June to early October, herds of wildebeest numbering close to two million travel from Serengeti national park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara reserve. The animals migrate into the Mara in search of fresh pastures.
The highlight of the great migration is when the wildebeest cross the crocodile infested Mara River into Kenya.
Hundreds of wildebeest break there legs in a stampede to jump into the Mara River and cross the river a factor that leads the death of hundreds of wildebeest. Crocodiles also kill as many wildebeest as they wish for food.
During the peak of the migration, one can spot hundreds of carcasses of wildebeest that have died from drowning. Thousands of vultures can be viewed on the banks of the Mara River scavenging on the floating carcasses. Between November and January, the wildebeest migrate back into the Serengeti.
Why not construct a bridge across River Mara where the wildebeest can pass while on migration to avert the deaths?
As the saying goes, the law of the jungle is survival for the fittest. Also, nature has a way of regulating the population of a species and the deaths that occur during the migration is one of nature’s ways of regulating the population of the wildebeests. Also the migrating wildebeest provide sumptuous meals for the hundreds of crocodiles that live in this great river. So building a bridge would an anti conservation move.
The Mara River hosts also resident populations of hippopotamuses that can be spotted with ease at specific observation points.
The Mara national reserve hosts many herbivores like antelopes, buffalos, giraffes and black rhinos.
Predators are also plentiful notably cheetahs, leopards and large prides of lions. Maasai Mara national reserve can be accessed by road, air from Nairobi and Mombasa and other towns of Kenya.
Lions and Cheetahs of Maasai Mara
The Maasai Mara is probably the best place in the wild to view the lions and cheetahs
The plain land and short grass make it easy for visitors to this park to spot these great cats.
The Mara is a must go for any visitor who really wants to enjoy the maximum of what the Kenyan wild has to offer.
The Lions of Mara
This is the most abundant carnivore within the mare ecosystem. There more than 1000 lions in the Mara reserve living in prides, a number that surges close to 3000 lions during the annual wildebeest migration into this park. This is because the lions follow the migrating grazers from the Serengeti into the Mara.
The lion is the most social cat, which lives in a pride consisting up to 30 lions. As the most social cat, the pride consists of a male lion, its young ones and one or more female lions.
A pride lives in its own territory that it protects from other lions in the area.
Lionesses live in the pride for life. 1-6 cubs are born after a gestation of 3 and/2 months. After birth, lion male cubs develop mane beginning in the third year. Adult lions weigh between 122-240 kilograms.
Lions live in grasslands and savannas close to their source of food. Lions eat everything from buffalos to hares, but they do tend to hunt the prey they grew up eating and customs differ among prides. For example if a lion grew up feeding on Thomson gazelle, it tends to hunt Thomson gazelles for food.
Lions hunt in a group everyday during the day or at night. Usually it’s the female lions that hunt and while on the hunt, every female on the hunting expeditions know its role to ensure success.
Lions live for a maximum of between 16 to 20 years old. On cool days, lions in the Mara are easily spotted sleeping on the grass may be hunting or watching for intruders into the pride’s territory. On hot days or afternoons, lions like sleeping under bushes or thickets which act as a shade from the hot sun.

The Cheetahs of Mara
This is the easiest park where one can spot this great cat. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They run up to speeds of 120 kilometres per hour sustained for a maximum of 300 metres.
Cheetahs are born after a gestation period of between 90-95 days when 1-6 cubs are born. Cheetahs weigh between 30-70 kilograms. Cheetahs love to feed on impalas and other smaller mammals.
Cheetahs prefer to live in open grassland where they can view their pray without much difficulty and hunt them being obstructed by bush or thicket. Cheetahs hunt by day having a 40% success rate, a factor that shows that indicates that the cheetah is a skilful hunter.
Maasai Mara can be visited any time of the year but the most dramatic time of the year is between July and November during the great wildebeest migration.

After breakfast, leave for a full day game drive with packed lunchboxes in search of the Big five animals and other animals.
Return to the safari camp early evening for dinner and overnight.

After having the early morning game drive and breakfast, start your journey back to Nairobi having your hot lunch en route in Narok.
Arrive in Nairobi early evening.

3) "В какие компании обращаться за организацией сафари?"
В Кений у нас очень много сафари компаний но я буду рекомендовать:

1. Australken Tours and Travel
Whatsapp +254725576048- Zippy

2.Wildtrek safaris
Email; safaris@wildtrek.com
Skype Pummy wildtrek
Whatsapp +254723218106 Pummy

3.Private safaris

Хорошего дня вам!
Moses Miriti
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #4

Сообщение Altezza_ » 06 июл 2014, 19:14

Если рассматривать национальные парки северной Танзании - то это Тэренгире, Лейк Маньяра, НгороНгоро и Серенгетти + сюда можно добавить озеро Натрон и вулкан Ленгаи.
Если рассматривать 8 дневную программу, то как раз все эти парки можно посетить, при этом никуда не спеша.
По Занзибару, лучше конечно же брать северное побережье, отливы там наименее заметны, из интересных вариантов экскурсии: Стоун таун, Плантации пряностей, Рыбалка, Дайвинг.
Соберетесь в Танзанию - почитайте книгу Гржимека "Серенгетти не должен умереть" - http://www.e-reading.ws/book.php?book=16543 очень интересная
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #5

Сообщение Kirill65 » 12 июл 2014, 19:07

1) Куда лучше лететь? Какие авиалинии смотреть?
Все зависит от бюджета. Удобно лететь Кенийскими авиалиниями через Дубаи. Если бюджет позволяет, лучше лететь Эмирейтс или Катарскими. Можно также KLM или Air France, в зависимости от того откуда летите. Расписание авиарейсов можете посмотреть по ссылке http://k-http://booking.com/aviabilety_v_Keniyu_ ... id=325219;

2) Какие места обязательно надо посмотреть?
В Кении очень советую Масаи Мара, оз. Накуру и Найваша, также можно пересечь экватор – воспоминания будут незабываемыми. В Танзании обязательно Нгоро Нгоро.

3) В какие компании обращаться за организацией сафари?
Стоит посмотреть отзывы. Если на свадебное, то попробуйте промодерировано Можно и в других компаниях посмотреть.

4) Где красивое море в Занзибаре? Что там надо обязательно посмотреть?
Лучше всего - северное побережье, пляж Нунгви, там поживее. Обязательно посмотрите Стоун Таун и плантации пряностей, где можно накупить свежиx пряностей на сувениры.
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #6

Сообщение Fantomio » 13 июл 2014, 18:49

подскажите пож. еще лучшее время года для полета
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #7

Сообщение Altezza_ » 13 июл 2014, 19:18

Fantomio писал(а) 13 июл 2014, 18:49:подскажите пож. еще лучшее время года для полета

Смотря какие цели преследуете - сезон дождей апрель-май, ноябрь-декабрь, но дожди идут не регулярно, а вот цены на отели в 3 раза ниже, за счет чего заметно снижается стоимость сафари. Благодаря дождям все пейзажи вокруг становятся более сочными. К плюсу сезона дождей можно так же добавить минимальное количество других туристов, в пик сезона в том же НгороНгоро машин больше чем животных ))
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #8

Сообщение sonia-che » 13 июл 2014, 19:59

За парки Танзании не скажу, но по вот в Кении обязательно стоит съездить в Самбуру, хоть это не ближний свет. А дальше - стандартный набор . выбирайте из Масаи -Мара , озера Боринго и Накуру, Амбосели. В Танзанию чаще едут по земле из Кении или местными авиалиниями, вполне неплохими. А сам перелет в Африку- Туркиши, Эмирейтс, Катары. Есть у людей Египетскими авиалиниями , но тут раз на раз...
если очень захотеть-можно в космос улететь
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #9

Сообщение Аксиома » 14 июл 2014, 21:44

1) Куда лучше лететь? Какие авиалинии смотреть?

Во-первых, определитесь сразу: Кения или Танзания. О всех парках можно почитать на форуме, выбирайте, что больше нравится. Совмещать обе страны в 8 дней нет никакого смысла. Вместо наблюдения за животными будут одни переезды.
Ну или как вариант ограничиться двумя-тремя парками в Кении и добавить НгороНгоро.

2) Какие места обязательно надо посмотреть?

Тут сколько человек, столько и мнений Масаи-мара, пожалуй, обязательна. Остальное - решать вам. Парки все разные и все интересные.

3) В какие компании обращаться за организацией сафари?

На форуме большой выбор. Можем также дать контакты гида, который возил нас

4) Где красивое море в Занзибаре? Что там надо обязательно посмотреть?

Море лучше всего на севере. Но и цены там выше всего.
Тут бытует мнение, что в Стоунтауне смотреть нечего. А нам там очень понравилось. Очень атмосферный городок. И главное, все экскурсии начинаются отсюда. Если будете брать экскурсию из отеля, к цене автоматически будет добавляться стоимость такси до города и обратно. так что если хотите куда-то съездить (мы ездили смотреть черепах, нам понравилось), то лучше запланировать одну-две ночи в Стоунтауне с этими целями, а потом уже перебраться на пляж
Wherever you go don't stop being crazy...
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Re: Помогите составить маршрут: Кения-Танзания-Занзибар

Сообщение: #10

Сообщение Komparsa » 22 июл 2014, 14:52

Olya.K писал(а) 22 июн 2014, 20:20:4) Где красивое море в Занзибаре? Что там надо обязательно посмотреть?

Красивое море, белоснежный песочек и солнце, садящееся в море это на севере острова, пляж Нунгви, есть как дорогие отели, так и бюджетные. Перед эти лучше пару дней провести в Стоун Тауне, город колоритный, можно из него сплавать на остров Принстон, там живут гигантские черепахи. Если хотите пляж и только пляж, то в Нунгви тоже есть место с большими черепахами, только водными, с которыми можно поплавать и покормить их. Если раньше не видели, как растут специи, также можете съездить посмотреть. Цены на туры, предлагаемые на улице нужно делить на 3 и торговаться. Если багажа минимум, можно взять в аренду скутер и покататься по острову.
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