YureG » 15 сен 2014, 22:16
Добрый вечер, форумчане, подавали с супругой на 600 визу съездить к родителю в Австралию. Получили отказ, если не затруднит, подскажите, какие дальнейшие действия. Аппеляция?(как и куда ее подавать и какова стоимость и сроки рассмотрения?) или же по новой подаваться на ту же тур визу но уже с измененной онлайн анкетой( не будет ли считать обманом, другие данные указанные в анкете? например такие как: денежные средства, наличие оставшихся родственников в Украине, в первый раз указал что их в Укарине не имеется и уменьшить срок пребывания?)
Вот такой текст отказа:
You applied for a Subclass 600 Visitor Visa Tourist Stream on 28 August 2014 in order to stay in Australia temporarily for tourism and to visit your mother from 12 September 2014 to 12 September 2015.
In assessing whether or not you intend a genuine temporary stay in Australia, I have taken into account the information provided in the application relating to your employment, previous international travel, personal circumstances in your home country that might encourage you to remain in Australia (for example, military service commitments, economic situation, civil disruption), commitments, incentive to return home, and financial situation.
I find from the application that you have failed to adequately demonstrate strong employment, financial and personal commitments that may support the likelihood of your compliance with the conditions attached to the visa and your return home at the end of your proposed stay in Australia.
I have noted your declared self-employment since 28 January 2009, however you have not provided any documentary evidence in support of this claim. Further, given that you are prepared to leave your employment for as long as 12 months, I find that you have not demonstrated that your employment may serve as a strong incentive for you to return after your proposed trip to Australia.
In relation to your personal circumstances I have considered that you are married and planned to travel with your spouse. Whilst I have considered no dependent family members remaining outside Australia I have taken into consideration the stated purpose of your proposed visit to Australia, on balance these do not outweigh my findings above regarding your limited other incentives to return to Ukraine.
I have also taken into account the nature of your relationship with the inviter. In your current circumstances, and despite the support of the Australian inviter, I am unable to accept that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia.
In making this decision, I have taken into account your previous limited international travel. While I have given very careful consideration to the purpose of visit and the proposed length of stay, I find that the proposed travel is inconsistent with your limited international travel and personal circumstances.
Having taken all relevant aspects of your application into account, I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted. You have therefore failed to satisfy Regulation 600.211.
Сканы документов которые были прикреплены к анкете:
1)Свидетельство о регистрации ФЛП и свидетельство из налоговой, оригинал+перевод нотариальный
2)Сканы виз (египет, чехия, венгрия, польша(не использована) - все краткосрочные)
3)Скан о регистрации транспортного средства
4) Свидетельство о праве собственности недвижимости
5)Выписка из банка
6)Приглашение и спонсорское письмо для обоих из Австралии.
Что можете посоветовать? Спасибо. Документы подавал 29 августа, 3 сентября в имми аккаунте статус уже был finalised, а письмо получил только сегодня, после звонка в посольство.