Милан (аэропорт Мальпенса) - поздний прилет, ранний вылет

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Re: Милан (аэропорт Мальпенса) - поздний прилет, ранний вылет

Сообщение: #101

Сообщение pol_sveta » 16 авг 2024, 09:40

Kornelia, это форум самостоятельных путешественников, и не надо тут командовать: сбегайте посмотрите для меня расписание, а то мне лень. Вам указали путь, где вы можете нужную ВАМ информацию найти - ищите.
абсолютный путешественник
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Re: Милан (аэропорт Мальпенса) - поздний прилет, ранний вылет

Сообщение: #102

Сообщение santamarialucia » 07 фев 2025, 13:00

Kornelia писал(а) 16 авг 2024, 09:11:Прилетаем в Мальпенсу в 01.30, можно ли на чем-то уехать в город кроме такси?

Можно, если подожать пару часов. Вот вам свежая цитата с сайта аэропорта https://www.malpensaairporttravel.com/transportation/
Milan Central Station to Malpensa Airport – Terminals 1 and 2

Company: Terravision – http://www.terravision.com
Intervals: every 20 minutes between 5.05am and 00.10am
Travel Time: 40 minutes from Terminal 2 and 50 minutes from Terminal 1
Ticket Purchases: online, on-board or at Terravision ticket dispensers in T1 and T2 Arrivals areas

Company: Malpensa Bus Express – http://www.autostrade.com
Intervals: every 20 minutes between 4am and 11pm
Travel Time: 40 minutes from Terminal 2 and 50 minutes from Terminal 1
Ticket Purchases: online, on-board or at Malpensa Bus ticket dispensers in T1 and T2 Arrivals areas

Company: Malpensa Shuttle – http://www.malpensashuttle.it
Intervals: every 20 minutes between 3.45am and 00.15am
Travel Time: 45 minutes from Terminal 2 and 50 minutes from Terminal 1
Ticket Purchases: online and on-board

Malpensa Airport is conveniently reached by train from Milan via the Malpensa Express, connecting the man city centre stations: Bovisa, Cadorna, Centrale and Porta Garibaldi. There are trains every 15 minutes and the Express stops at both Terminals 1 and 2. The journey time to Milan city is 58 minutes.

Malpensa Express leaves from Terminal 2, with the service starting at 5.25am and continuing until 11.25pm. There are departures from Malpensa Terminal 2 every hour at 00.07 and 00.37 minutes, and from Milan Central Station every hour at 00.25 and 00.55 minutes.

For Milan Cadorna Station, the first service is at 4.27am and the last one at 00.20am. There are departures from Terminal 2 every hour at 00.20 and 00.50 minutes, and from Milan Cadorna Station every hour at 00.27 and 00.57 minutes. The travel time is 43 minutes.

The railway station at Malpensa Airport is at underground level in Terminal 1, and connected to Terminal 2 via a pedestrian walkway. The ticket office opening hours are 6am to 9pm but tickets can also be bought online in advance.
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Регистрация: 06.12.2023
Город: Могилёв
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