Насчёт жестких методов "тоталитаризма" и воспеваемой "свободы слова" в "нетоталитарных странах" ))
Сначала обратимся к Википедии
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorshi ... ed_Kingdom
Main article: Internet censorship in the United Kingdom
Although freedom of expression and protection of privacy over the Internet is guaranteed by UK law, since about 2010 there has been an increasing shift towards authoritarian measures such as increased surveillance (The United Kingdom has more police surveillance cameras than anywhere else outside of China) and police action.[97][98] Combating terrorism and preventing child abuse have been widely used by state agencies and private commercial actors (e.g. Internet service providers) to justify the implementation of interception and direct filtering measures. Nevertheless, in 2010 the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) found no evidence of technical filtering in the political, social, conflict/security, or Internet tools areas. The UK openly blocks child pornography websites, for which ONI does not test.[99]
А если у кого-то ещё есть сомнения в том, что цензура там реальна, тот может найти в интернете, на Ютюбе выступление Роуана Аткинсона (Rowan Atkinson, известного актера) о реальном состоянии дел со свободой слова в той же Англии.))