Список вещей для Африки (для Килиманджаро и для парков)

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Список вещей для Африки (для Килиманджаро и для парков)

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение kvv515kvv » 20 дек 2005, 01:54

где бы посмотреть списочек вещей, которые надо с собой взять?
может у кого есть готовый список? поделитесь пожалуйста... причем в бОльшей степени интересует второй список для парков, но и первый для горы не помешает... спасибо.
Сообщения: 19
Регистрация: 06.12.2005
Город: Торонто
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путешествие по африке

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение Мария Ф » 20 дек 2005, 10:32

Про парки я могу рассказать.
Тут многое зависит, где будете жить.
Если в лоджах, то вот несколько необходимых вещей.
1. Бинокль на каждого. (в машине обычно не больше двух, и они слабенькие)
2. Налобный фонарик хотябы 1 на двоих
3. Жилет с карманами (много всякой мелочи)
4. Книга не русском о животном мире Африки
5. А вот фотоаппарат можно взять 1-2 на компанию. Фотографии у всех примерно одинаковые получаются.
6. Одежду по комплекту на день. Приезжаешь пыльный и грязный, стирать смысла нет, не высохнет.
Без географии ты нигде!
Мария Ф
Сообщения: 131
Регистрация: 18.05.2004
Город: Екатеринбург
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Сообщение: #3

Сообщение Нюша » 13 фев 2006, 15:25

не согласна про одинаковые фотографии - если едешь на нескольких джипах, то, как правило, везут разными дорогами (а не гуськом в очередь), поэтому лучше минимум пару фотоаппаратов на джип.
обязательно влажные салфетки, вода в бутылках - пылищи столько, что под конец напоминаешь желтушника со стажем
Сообщения: 13
Регистрация: 13.02.2006
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Возраст: 46

Сообщение: #4

Сообщение Smile » 14 фев 2006, 21:50


Go slowly:
Go slowly --pole pole as they say in Swahili! This is very important during your first days of climbing so take the advice of your guide about the right speed to climb at and even if you feel well, slow down and enjoy the scenery.

Drink enough water:
Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of liquid a day --preferably water. Running water on the mountain is safe to drink from day 2 onwards. If you are not used to fresh water in nature, prevent any inconvenience by using water purification tables.
Remember that a functioning body water balance is one of the keys to a successful climb.

Walk high, sleep low:
On your acclimatization day you will climb to a higher altitude and then descend to sleep at the camp at a lower altitude.

Climb light:
Even though porters assist you, climb as light as possible. This is even more important on your summit

Remember that you will be on the mountain for 5 to 6 days. You need to take enough clothing especially socks, for this period. Due to frequent rainfall as well as numerous streams on the routes, it is advisable to pack items individually wrapped in plastic bags in your bag, to prevent them from getting wet.

Hiking/running shoes (there is no need to walk with boots or climbers shoes until the last sections where rocks are encountered and very importantly a stick ski pole, one of the most critical of clothing is an outer jacket -to keep you warm and protect you at temperature as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius -keep the wind out and yet still "breath" Avoid tight fitting clothing or underwear as this hampers circulation and Celsius either cold or discomfort on the mountain. A balaclava is a must, as it will protect your face against cold, wind, sun and snow. Other clothing like shorts, sweater and T -Shirts are strongly recommended, especially during the principle of wearing the correct clothing layers; starting from the skin.

Cotton absorbs moisture perfectly and moisture trapped against the skin will result in a definite lowering of the body temperature, which could even lead to hypothermia. It is therefore, very important to use proper thermal underwear with wicking properties (a fabric which has the ability to draw moisture away from the body)

Thus enabling it to evaporate outside. The middle layer should provide the insulation and a product like polar fleece is adequate. The outer layer should be windproof and breathable products like verter, goretex or entex offer these properties. Short of altitude and physical exertion, cold is one most serious obstacles when attempting to climb Kilimanjaro.

A ski pole:
A ski -pole is essential- you can buy one or hire one.

New batteries:
Replace your headlamp and camera batteries with new ones on your summit night.

Acute mountain sickness (AMS)
Ams commonly affects people at high altitude, who are not accustomed to high altitude conditions. Ams car be lethal if not treated immediately or if its symptoms are ignored. About 70% of all people who climb Kilimanjaro will suffer to some extent from Ams so familiarize yourself with this condition and take preventative care.

Malaria occurs below 1800m and you should use the recommended prophylactics. Please consult your Doctor about these. Larium is very popular but should be taken with care as known side -effect may lessen your chances of success.

Duffel bag -large enough to all climbing gear and clothing to be carried by the porters.

An extra bag to be left at the hotel with extra gear.

Day backpack -between 20 to 35 liter, large enough to carry your water, camera, raincoat, lunch pack and ski pole/walking stick, water bottle containers.

High altitude gear:
Water proof, breathable and wind proof jacket (outer wear) like venter, goet -tex or entex.
Water proof, breathable and windproof pants. Polar fleece (middle layer)
Thermal underwear (under layers)
Mittens or warm gloves, One part thermal (polertex) socks, Balaclava, Gaiters
Thermal water flask

Hiking gear:
Shorts, Hiking pants. Regular underwear, T -Shirts,
Raincoat or poncho

Water resistant semi-stiff hiking boot -mid weight boots are best shoes for overnight camps -i.e. sneakers, running shoes, etc., Socks -several pairs for the climb, Line socks -to keep your feet dry and limit the risk of blisters.

Sun hat or similar (with a brim)
Collapsible ski stick (optional but highly recommended)
Water bottles 0 2 or 3 (total capacity of at least 6 liters)
Head lamp (good strong one with spare batteries and an extra bulb)
Sunglasses with good quality lenses for the climb, with a securing strap
Torch with spare batteries

Personal items:
Toilet kit (soap, tooth brush, toilets articles, wet wipes) , towel
Sun screen and .lip protection, spf 30+
Ziploc bags to protect camera, binoculars, etc from dust
Toilet paper.

Money belt for passport and valuables:
Medical First Aid Supplies, Headaches -syndols, Altitude sickness --Diamox
Diarrhea -Imodium, Nausea -valid, Malaria --prophylaxis, Water purification tablets
Pain killers, Muscular sprains, Abrasions, blisters and cuts --plaster, bandages
Antiseptic cream --betadine, Flu and colds, Eye-drops, Insect re repellant

Optional terms:
Camera, extra lenses and film (ASA 200 recommended)
Binoculars, Powdered sports drinks for the climb (Game or Isotronic drinks)
Pocket knife, Note book and pencil, Plastic bags to keep clothing dry, with masking tape
Energy snacks and sweets, Video, tapes, battery, packs and tri-pod
Every day happy day, like today again)))))))
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Сообщение: #5

Сообщение Мария Ф » 16 фев 2006, 09:15

Нюша писал(а):не согласна про одинаковые фотографии - если едешь на нескольких джипах, то, как правило, везут разными дорогами (а не гуськом в очередь), поэтому лучше минимум пару фотоаппаратов на джип.
обязательно влажные салфетки, вода в бутылках - пылищи столько, что под конец напоминаешь желтушника со стажем

Я не думаю, что поедет толпа на нескольких джипах. Тогда поправлюсь 1-2 фотоаппарата на машину.

С салфетками согласна, а воду мы провозили зря. Во-первых загружают в начале пути, и во-торых во всех лоджах в номерах стояли бутылки, мы их тоже забирали с собой.
Без географии ты нигде!
Мария Ф
Сообщения: 131
Регистрация: 18.05.2004
Город: Екатеринбург
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