Sixt Holiday cars франшиза

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Sixt Holiday cars франшиза

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение parasolka » 23 сен 2010, 22:02

Добрый вечер!
Пытаюсь забронировать авто через
в Мюнхене.

Но не совсем понимаю ситуацию с франшизой - есть она или нет?

в General terms and conditions of trade - Sixt Holiday Cars написано:

The collision damage waiver covers damage caused by the driver or damage which is not covered by a third party or reduces the non-waiverable responsibility depending on the country. In case of damage, this non-waiverable responsibility is retained from the hirer locally in the form of the deposit. Sixt Holiday Cars will reimburse this amount to the hirer. Usually the hirer also has the option of taking out extra insurance locally to exclude the non-waiverable responsibility, however this is not required.

а в Hire conditions: * Excess: none/refund conditions: see general Terms and Conditions

Написал им письмо, получил ответ:

You will have included at SIXT holiday the Collision Damage Waiver with an excess of 750,00 EUR. In case of damage, this non-waiverable responsibility is retained from the hirer locally in the form of the deposit. Sixt holiday will reimburse this amount to the hirer.

In case of damage, you must follow these instructions on the spot:
• immediately inform the rental station
• call the police and obtain an accident report
• when you return the vehicle, have the station write and sign a damage report
To reclaim any retained/paid own risk payment, please send the following documents to Sixt Holiday Cars:
• the damage report and the police accident report
• copy of the rental contract
• proof of payment confirming that the own risk has been retained (credit card statement)

Я так понимаю что сумма в 750 евро типа как франшиза, и её реально используют в случае инцидента, но после предоставления всех документов, повреждающих инцидент и выписку с карты и том что деньги с франшизы были использованы , SIXT вернет все деньги на карту? Так ли это?
Сообщения: 1
Регистрация: 23.09.2010
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Возраст: 49
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