Новый налог для вылетающих

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Новый налог для вылетающих

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение sss-18 » 29 июн 2016, 13:26

Были всего 3 дня, потратили не мало.
Но вот вдогонку прилетело письмо, о том что я им еще должен
Вопрос платить или нет? Авиакомпания должна же учитывать все налоги при продаже билетов?

Dear Customer,

From 1 June 2016, the Norwegian Parliament introduced a new air passenger tax of 80 kroner (NOK) for anyone travelling from a Norwegian airport. For domestic flights within Norway, an additional 8 kroner (NOK) in VAT will also apply. The air passenger tax will not apply from Svalbard and for children under 2 years of age.

You can read more about the new tax here: http://www.skatteetaten.no/en/Radgiver/ ... jeravgift/

The Norwegian Parliament has chosen to impose the new tax retrospectively for all flights departing from 1 June 2016. In light of this, we're sorry to inform that we are obliged to collect this tax for the booking you have already made with us. The entire amount will be collected by the Norwegian Treasury, and not Norwegian.

Payment options:

• Pay by credit card online within 1 August 2016. No additional fees apply.

• If you do not pay by credit card within 1 August 2016, you'll automatically receive an invoice. Please note that in order to cover the cost for the invoice, an additional charge of 1 EUR will apply.

The entire airline industry has worked very hard to prevent the introduction of this air passenger tax, and
we must again sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Kind regards, Norwegian
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